While waiting out the rain I got the guest room ready for Jess's mom who is arriving next weekend and put on my official North Carolina license plates.
Airlie Gardens was closed two days because of flooding, but I was there today,
spent 2 1/2 hours walking around, and took 102 picstures! Two birds I have been wanting photos of are the Eastern Bluebird and a Pileated Woodpecker (looks like Woody Woodpecker to me!). I saw both today!
The temperatures are down to the low 70s during the day and mid-50s at night. Feels good to be able to turn off the air-conditioning, and open the windows and sliding door. HOWEVER, the latch to the sliding screen door was broken and while I was repairing it today, Buddy cat escaped. I sent an urgent text to John & Dave for help. Dave was nearby and came right over. We managed to find Buddy(remember he is blind in one eye and doesn't know this area) and got him back inside. Now I can never leave the screen open because he and Lacey are already plotting the next great escape!
Heading for the beach this afternoon to soak up some sunshine!
The bluebird is DARLING!