I wondered how I would feel and, in the words of James Brown, "I feel good!" Of course I miss the wonderful people I worked with, but also know I am in the right place.
Had a great time last night with the Senior Ladies of Wilmington. There were only 6 of us there but it was good to have some "girl conversation". A couple of us are going to try and go back tomorrow night to see what the ocean looks like during a tropical storm!
That's right, n
o hurricane but Wilmington does have a tropical storm warning starting tomorrow morning. That means I have to get the deck cleaned off tonight so there are no projectiles blowing in the wind.
The bar stools I ordered arrived today and I managed to put them together by myself. They match my dining table chairs but need some cushions (a bit hard on the butt!).
Your wanting to go to the ocean during the tropical storm warning reminded me of the 17th 'year of the locusts' when I just HAD to go up on the mountain to 'BE' with the cicadas... Oh boy! It was not fun! Those huge bugs were diving at me, slamming into me, getting stuck in my hair... Needless to say, I didn't stay too long! I can imagine the fury of the ocean and how that will sound/feel, but when all is said and done, I'll be excited for you when you return to find the beauty in the outcome of treasures you'll find on the beach (like the starfish) and the re-sculpting of the sand, etc.) Sounds exciting! Oh, and I'll be thinking of you today (a little enviously) while I am setting up MY classroom! Loved all your photos. Your dinner looked amazing!